Virtual Workshop: The State of Bioeconomy in Colombia. Progress and Challenges in Four Regions within the Sustainable Development Goals Framework
The virtual workshop “The state of the bioeconomy in Colombia, its progress and challenges in four regions within the Sustainable Development Goals framework” was held between March 15th and 19th, 2021. In the workshop, the global bioeconomy trends were presented and the bioeconomy development trends in Colombia were discussed, with special emphasis on 4 regions: Antioquia, Coffee Zone, Orinoquía and Valle del Cauca.
- This event offered a space for discussion and reflection that brought together different actors around the bioeconomy. The objectives of the workshop were:
- Learn about global bioeconomy trends and the ways in which the concept has been adopted and put into practice in Colombia.
- Offer a space for reflection among key actors on the challenges, opportunities and advances that the bioeconomy has had in Colombia.
- Facilitate advanced skills and competencies among stakeholders, particularly in data-intensive scientific innovation and socio-economic assessment tools.
- Promote best practices in bioeconomy and circular economy, promote public-private partnerships in the agri-food and scientific tourism sectors, and influence the design and understanding of public policies.
Organized by: Universidad ICESI | Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt | Universidad de los Andes | Bridge Colombia Sponsored by: UK Research and Innovation | Global Challenges Research Fund