Perceptions and Prospects of the Circular Bioeconomy in Colombia Workshop
«Perceptions and Prospects of the Circular Bioeconomy in Colombia» Workshop
March 21 and 22, 2023. Hybrid event.
The partnership between University of East Anglia, Humboldt Institute, University of the Andes and the British Embassy in Colombia developed this workshop with the public and private sectors, academia, civil society and international cooperation, to explore the prospects and perceptions of the Colombian bioeconomy.
The workshop aimed at presenting the results from the GROW Colombia and Bioeconomy Cluster project, to explore how to diversify the agricultural and tourism sectors to include biodiversity and nature. Colombian bioeconomy stakeholders jointly identified funding opportunities and further collaboration agreements to support a transition to a Circular Bioeconomy future.
The prospections correspond to the possible development paths that both, the public and private sectors ,wish to take for the advancement of the bioeconomy in the country. On the other hand, perceptions are defined as the views, ambitions and opinions of different actors and sectors.
Bearing in mind that the circular bioeconomy is related to the social and environmental limits of economic growth, here we explore these opportunities, limits, weaknesses, and bottlenecks, and identify possibilities for expansion through public policy. In addition, this space identified new opportunities and initiatives for the development of a prosperous circular bioeconomy in Colombia, based on a productive and diverse natural landscape for society, and which promotes a just and peaceful society.
As part of this event, a synthesis of the main discussions, panels and the graphic report of the event were published.